Does any-one know anything about or sat with this man
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Does any-one know anything about or sat with this man
I was doing a little a little trip down memory lane as I worked in northern Manitoba in the early 70ts and was browsing some Candian sites where I found these links. I myself like to practice a lot of these things in our groups especially billiting. Does any one have more info on this chap. L&L Merlin
I was doing a little a little trip down memory lane as I worked in northern Manitoba in the early 70ts and was browsing some Candian sites where I found these links. I myself like to practice a lot of these things in our groups especially billiting. Does any one have more info on this chap. L&L Merlin
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Re: Does any-one know anything about or sat with this man
If you look at the CMS which he is associated with it is the College of Metaphysical Studies ascended master, co create your own angel, archangels, indigo children, New Age anything goes organisation. I suspect its one where you can get your degree, masters, phd and ordination in one year to be a Rev Dr. he has managed to get in an amazing range of places.
The man himself is not from the National Spiritualist Association of Churches, nor is he known by them (albeit he has worked a couple of churches that bought the packages). In the USA the old billeting idea is pretty discredited becasue of the recorded cases of fraud (but a useful training method). Apparently the person I asked had seen the spirit drawings involved in his brochure, used elsewhere and over many many years.
Certainly not an ordained Spiritualist Minister from a church we would recognise as Spiritualist.
Of course you can find him at
Rev. Hoyt Z. Robinette
Spiritual Medium and Channel
Camp Chesterfield, Indiana USA
The various expertises listed in his brochure are all pure Camp Chesterfield, which has to be considered in the light of Lamar Keene and the Psychic Mafia. The last I heard Camp Chesterfield still has a very poor reputation with genuine Spiritualists, although it keeps catching them (sadly I believe Camp Silver Belle is heading that way despite its wonderful history). The NSAC are not fond of that place. Lamar Keene explains how all the various items Hoyt Robinnette lists were performed in his days at Camp Chesterfield.
Of course both he and Camp Chesterfield could now be genuine but I feel I would need some convincing references to be certain.
One of our oldest problems people so want evidence and proof they suspend their mental processes and open up many opportunities for people to convince them.
If you look at the CMS which he is associated with it is the College of Metaphysical Studies ascended master, co create your own angel, archangels, indigo children, New Age anything goes organisation. I suspect its one where you can get your degree, masters, phd and ordination in one year to be a Rev Dr. he has managed to get in an amazing range of places.
The man himself is not from the National Spiritualist Association of Churches, nor is he known by them (albeit he has worked a couple of churches that bought the packages). In the USA the old billeting idea is pretty discredited becasue of the recorded cases of fraud (but a useful training method). Apparently the person I asked had seen the spirit drawings involved in his brochure, used elsewhere and over many many years.
Certainly not an ordained Spiritualist Minister from a church we would recognise as Spiritualist.
Of course you can find him at
Rev. Hoyt Z. Robinette
Spiritual Medium and Channel
Camp Chesterfield, Indiana USA
The various expertises listed in his brochure are all pure Camp Chesterfield, which has to be considered in the light of Lamar Keene and the Psychic Mafia. The last I heard Camp Chesterfield still has a very poor reputation with genuine Spiritualists, although it keeps catching them (sadly I believe Camp Silver Belle is heading that way despite its wonderful history). The NSAC are not fond of that place. Lamar Keene explains how all the various items Hoyt Robinnette lists were performed in his days at Camp Chesterfield.
Of course both he and Camp Chesterfield could now be genuine but I feel I would need some convincing references to be certain.
One of our oldest problems people so want evidence and proof they suspend their mental processes and open up many opportunities for people to convince them.
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Re: Does any-one know anything about or sat with this man
Here is another link with a number of other links praising our man. I am not convinced myself if the man is genuine . Any-way this is one to keep an eye and if he ever reaches our shores and I would like to attend one of his dems. I have a first hand acount by one of my own sources in canada if I get permission I will post it L&L Merlin
Here is another link with a number of other links praising our man. I am not convinced myself if the man is genuine . Any-way this is one to keep an eye and if he ever reaches our shores and I would like to attend one of his dems. I have a first hand acount by one of my own sources in canada if I get permission I will post it L&L Merlin
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Re: Does any-one know anything about or sat with this man
The various expertises listed in his brochure are all pure Camp Chesterfield, which has to be considered in the light of Lamar Keene and the Psychic Mafia. The last I heard Camp Chesterfield still has a very poor reputation with genuine Spiritualists, although it keeps catching them (sadly I believe Camp Silver Belle is heading that way despite its wonderful history). The NSAC are not fond of that place. Lamar Keene explains how all the various items Hoyt Robinnette lists were performed in his days at Camp Chesterfield.
I am aware of the situation with a lot of the older photos nowadays it is the done thing to have multiple cameras in a room all taking a picture at the same time . I have many vidios of seances taken with four infray red cameras all working at the same time on a split screen moniter. Take the famous photo of Jack Weber levitating a table when you look at it closely he apears to be balancing one of the legs of the table on the arm rest of the chair a side on camera would have dispelled all doubts. l&l merlin
I am aware of the situation with a lot of the older photos nowadays it is the done thing to have multiple cameras in a room all taking a picture at the same time . I have many vidios of seances taken with four infray red cameras all working at the same time on a split screen moniter. Take the famous photo of Jack Weber levitating a table when you look at it closely he apears to be balancing one of the legs of the table on the arm rest of the chair a side on camera would have dispelled all doubts. l&l merlin
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Re: Does any-one know anything about or sat with this man
merlin wrote:The various expertises listed in his brochure are all pure Camp Chesterfield, which has to be considered in the light of Lamar Keene and the Psychic Mafia. The last I heard Camp Chesterfield still has a very poor reputation with genuine Spiritualists, although it keeps catching them (sadly I believe Camp Silver Belle is heading that way despite its wonderful history). The NSAC are not fond of that place. Lamar Keene explains how all the various items Hoyt Robinnette lists were performed in his days at Camp Chesterfield.
I am aware of the situation with a lot of the older photos nowadays it is the done thing to have multiple cameras in a room all taking a picture at the same time . I have many vidios of seances taken with four infray red cameras all working at the same time on a split screen moniter. Take the famous photo of Jack Weber levitating a table when you look at it closely he apears to be balancing one of the legs of the table on the arm rest of the chair a side on camera would have dispelled all doubts. l&l merlin
Many of the photos of Jack Webber were taken by a 'Daily Mirror' photographer. Harry Edwards can be seen in some of the photographs as one of the sitters.
Casting aspersions on a famous physical medium who underwent numerous tests is hardly fair.
Re: Does any-one know anything about or sat with this man
a side on camera would have dispelled all doubts. l&l merlin
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Re: Does any-one know anything about or sat with this man
merlin wrote:a side on camera would have dispelled all doubts. l&l merlin
There were no doubts only those expressed by you, Jock.
Leon Isaacs, who took the photographs at Webber’s circles, used two cameras placed at different angles…shots using this two-camera technique showed the disposition of trumpets and other objects, establishing that they were not held aloft by any material agency.
Isaac’s pictures were taken by flashlight, the source of the light being screened by an infrared filter which suppressed practically all visible light rays and only permitted infrared emanations to pass.
In effect there was a brief glow at the instant of exposure which had no harmful effects on the medium.
Re: Does any-one know anything about or sat with this man
Leon Isaacs, who took the photographs at Webber’s circles, used two cameras placed at different angles…shots using this two-camera technique showed the disposition of trumpets and other objects///
If some one were using two or more cameras there should be be at least one of the cameras in any photo as verification. By the way please tell us where we can view the photos you speak off ?
If some one were using two or more cameras there should be be at least one of the cameras in any photo as verification. By the way please tell us where we can view the photos you speak off ?
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Re: Does any-one know anything about or sat with this man
merlin wrote:Leon Isaacs, who took the photographs at Webber’s circles, used two cameras placed at different angles…shots using this two-camera technique showed the disposition of trumpets and other objects///
If some one were using two or more cameras there should be be at least one of the cameras in any photo as verification. By the way please tell us where we can view the photos you speak off ?
Try the Daily Mirror or PN archives or if you are really interested you could do some research on Leon Isaacs who was the first photographer to use infrared to photograph seance room phenomena...this came about as a result of a Direct Voice spirit message from a Scottish photographer.
Re: Does any-one know anything about or sat with this man
merlin wrote:I see no ships
Perhaps you are not looking in the right place Jock!
Re: Does any-one know anything about or sat with this man
Funny really this came about because of Jock raising Rev. Hoyt Z. Robinette
now there is a man where there is no testing and no proof who comes from a "spiritualist" camp of dubious reputation which the NSAC in teh USA disown.
Now it has moved to a debate upon Jack Webber because photo's are mentioned. Now it is innappropriate in this thread which supplie information on Rev Robinette. If a debate is wanted on Jack Webber it should be an independent thread in Physical Mediumship.
I would also be greatful if, as there is a wealth of evidence about this medium even supported by Harry Edwards the great healer and also material from Harry Price the psychic investigator that facts from contemporary events are used not a personal opinion of one or two photographs. A good bit of research could go into this as a wonderful case study of the validity or otherwise of physical mediumship. It is too easy to take the early photographs to pieces in retrospect and purely on face value.
We must remember that most of our claims that anything real or worthwhile has come out of Physical mediumship are from these earlier days. So far I have not read of anything recently that gives me any conviction about current physical mediums (there is only one current medium I would take time for on although there may be others working quietly). This is a good point to bear in mind if anyone wishes to set off down the path of physical mediumship. Unless the intent and result is full materialisation in the light of a recognisable person with sufficient of the character and identity to be recognisable to an attendee then we will not advance its cause one iota. I take it that is what is intended in your work at ASK Dunfermeline Jock.
Telekinetic effects voices in the dark and partial materialisations may be a start but there has to be real proof delivered. Non invasive thermographic infra red cameras and software are inexpensive and indeed consultants can be hired. There is no reason in this modern age that we should be so in the dark about the inner mysteries of a seance. If spirit truly want to communicate surely they will be behind every use of modern techniques.
Anyway enough about Jack Webber on this thread if the discussion is to continue let it be on a direct thread properly researched and debated Jock.
now there is a man where there is no testing and no proof who comes from a "spiritualist" camp of dubious reputation which the NSAC in teh USA disown.
Now it has moved to a debate upon Jack Webber because photo's are mentioned. Now it is innappropriate in this thread which supplie information on Rev Robinette. If a debate is wanted on Jack Webber it should be an independent thread in Physical Mediumship.
I would also be greatful if, as there is a wealth of evidence about this medium even supported by Harry Edwards the great healer and also material from Harry Price the psychic investigator that facts from contemporary events are used not a personal opinion of one or two photographs. A good bit of research could go into this as a wonderful case study of the validity or otherwise of physical mediumship. It is too easy to take the early photographs to pieces in retrospect and purely on face value.
We must remember that most of our claims that anything real or worthwhile has come out of Physical mediumship are from these earlier days. So far I have not read of anything recently that gives me any conviction about current physical mediums (there is only one current medium I would take time for on although there may be others working quietly). This is a good point to bear in mind if anyone wishes to set off down the path of physical mediumship. Unless the intent and result is full materialisation in the light of a recognisable person with sufficient of the character and identity to be recognisable to an attendee then we will not advance its cause one iota. I take it that is what is intended in your work at ASK Dunfermeline Jock.
Telekinetic effects voices in the dark and partial materialisations may be a start but there has to be real proof delivered. Non invasive thermographic infra red cameras and software are inexpensive and indeed consultants can be hired. There is no reason in this modern age that we should be so in the dark about the inner mysteries of a seance. If spirit truly want to communicate surely they will be behind every use of modern techniques.
Anyway enough about Jack Webber on this thread if the discussion is to continue let it be on a direct thread properly researched and debated Jock.
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