Top brain expert has NDE.
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Top brain expert has NDE.
Came across this story yesterday.
A top American brain surgeon has had a NDE which involved a part of the brain from which he was 'dead' for several days and from which he and his colleagues did not expect recovery.
He has a lucid recall and has changed his outlook on brain/ conscious/ soul matters. Prior to this, he was firmly convinced that he understood the functioning of the brain better than most, but now realises his knowledge was incomplete.
He met a brother who predeceased him during the episode, but had never been told of this.
It does seem that the flood of this kind of information must precipitate a sea-change in how we consider the best way to live in light of the weight of evidence of survival. indeed, with the daily demise of so many staples of yesterdays 'essential' life views, it does look like 'adapt or die' is speeding up.
A top American brain surgeon has had a NDE which involved a part of the brain from which he was 'dead' for several days and from which he and his colleagues did not expect recovery.
He has a lucid recall and has changed his outlook on brain/ conscious/ soul matters. Prior to this, he was firmly convinced that he understood the functioning of the brain better than most, but now realises his knowledge was incomplete.
He met a brother who predeceased him during the episode, but had never been told of this.
It does seem that the flood of this kind of information must precipitate a sea-change in how we consider the best way to live in light of the weight of evidence of survival. indeed, with the daily demise of so many staples of yesterdays 'essential' life views, it does look like 'adapt or die' is speeding up.
Starling likes this post
Re: Top brain expert has NDE.
Aye obi, though not to everyone. I prefer but all roads lead to Ben Lomond
Re: Top brain expert has NDE.
lolhiorta wrote:Aye obi, though not to everyone. I prefer but all roads lead to Ben Lomond
Re: Top brain expert has NDE.
"At the moment of death a tremendous amount of psychic and spiritual energy becomes released. That is why you have so many cases of people who, when they are passing to our world, are able to manifest to relatives many miles away from them. That burst of psychic and spiritual energy carries them and, still only being so close to earth, although they have passed, they are able almost to materialise themselves. But it happens only at the time of moment of their passing. Similarly with those having visions, it can be the outcome of their own release of psychic and spiritual energy"
(Quoted from Silver Birch, The Spirit Speaks)
Silver Birch also said that some visions reported as part of near death experiences are the result of strongly held thoughts at the point of death, such as a vision of Jesus Christ, which is part of one's imagination rather than being real.
(Quoted from Silver Birch, The Spirit Speaks)
Silver Birch also said that some visions reported as part of near death experiences are the result of strongly held thoughts at the point of death, such as a vision of Jesus Christ, which is part of one's imagination rather than being real.
right for the wrong reasons....
The NDE phenomenon appears to be stimulating much interest in the USA and perhaps elsewhere. It may also lead on to individuals' investigating, and maybe accepting, the notion of continuous life. In doing that it is valuable even if the reported phenomena have actual causes different from those attributed.
I've often seen such interest expressed in my regular 'spooks' forums elsewhere and I try to capitalise on it by mentioning Spiritualism and what's found in its teachings. Odd that I need to do that when Modern Spiritualism originated in the USA yet there it's poorly represented nowadays .
I've often seen such interest expressed in my regular 'spooks' forums elsewhere and I try to capitalise on it by mentioning Spiritualism and what's found in its teachings. Odd that I need to do that when Modern Spiritualism originated in the USA yet there it's poorly represented nowadays .
Re: Top brain expert has NDE.
Agreed Mac and I do think the NDE issue can help us a bit in spreading the idea of continuous life
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