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Being MUch a newbie compared to Jim, zerdini, LeroyC and many others on this forum, I had no clue who this "hiorta" is. Being a diligent researcher, I ran across this coincidentally.
hiorta Unearthed - At Least for MU!! lol
I was a near neighbour of Albert's {Best} in Mount Florida, Glasgow.
We often spoke of Spiritualist matters and his small house was festooned with photos of Albert with many 'famous' folk from many lands. I remember an occasion he mentioned a trip to South Africa.
He said he was up very early one morning and decided to take a stroll in 'the bush' as he put it.
After about a mile he saw a Black man sitting at the side of the road, who beckoned to him. He told Albert that he had been waiting three days for him, which puzzled Albert no end as he had gone at fairly short notice.
A little further on, they came to a 'straw hut' that the man was using as accommodation while he awaited his visitor. A fire was smouldering on the floor and after motioning him to sit, the Black man went into trance and to Albert's surprise and delight his entire family materialised in that wee straw house. 'I was completely overcome by it all - a most wonderful experience' he told me. 'And how it was known that I would be there at that time and just pick that track to walk along, I'll never know'.
We were discussing re-incarnation one day - I dont think he believed in it too deeply - and he mentioned that he had lost count of the number of times various ladies would confide that they were Cleopatra in a previous incarnation, yet surprisingly he had never met one who claimed to have been a lavatory attendant
hiorta Unearthed - At Least for MU!! lol
Re: hiorta
MU Hiorta and I have been friends for many years now. he has a lot of knowledge to share.
Admin- Admin
Re: hiorta
Now I hadn't realised that. What an interesting piece of information. In reading about Albert Best he always seemed like a genuine person, his story was a sad one indeed.
Re: hiorta
Albert Best was one of the great mediums Obi, one of the best stories about him, which illustrated his sincerity, was arriving at a big demonstration and saying sorry he could not get any link to Spirit he had arranged to get the hall for the next night so told everyone to come back then because he would not just put on a demonstration.
Admin- Admin
Re: hiorta
Admin wrote:Albert Best was one of the great mediums Obi, one of the best stories about him, which illustrated his sincerity, was arriving at a big demonstration and saying sorry he could not get any link to Spirit he had arranged to get the hall for the next night so told everyone to come back then because he would not just put on a demonstration.
That's very interesting Jim. I laughed out loud at his toilet seat joke.
Re: hiorta
Yes it was a good one, running an open group you would be amazed how many people over the years have had Jesus or one of the Archangels as their Spirit Guide.
Overall the best was one who had a rock, totem pole and a wolf as their Spirit Guides
Overall the best was one who had a rock, totem pole and a wolf as their Spirit Guides
Admin- Admin
Re: hiorta
Just having fun making some puns about this statement...Admin wrote:Overall the best was one who had a rock, totem pole and a wolf as their Spirit Guides
"Wooden't you expect mischievous spirits to get boulder about the way they lobo-tomize their victims?"
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