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Re article on ability to heal

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Re article on ability to heal Empty Re article on ability to heal

Post by tmmw Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:40 pm

Hi Everyone,

I read an interesting magazine article the other day while waiting for an appointment. It told of a study that was done by inflicting blisters on couples to see if the ability to heal the blisters was increased or decreased by the level of their love and respect for each other in their relationship. The results actually showed that the blisters would heal quicker if there was a great cooperation between the couples and would take longer to heal if there were relationship problems. This does make sense to me though the inflicting of blisters to prove a point seems a bit extreme.

I would think that this would work in all areas as well, with all injuries and illnesses when exposed to high levels of stress or just the opposite. I would also imagine that by incorporating a regular meditation practice or exercise, yoga programs would quicken the healing times.

The tricky part would be when there is exposure to someone that has extreme hatred or abuses another on a daily basis, it would seem next to impossible to heal. I would like to know if anyone could offer ideas on this interesting subject as well.

Take care,


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