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New Age Islam

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New Age Islam Empty New Age Islam

Post by Admin Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:45 am

Ok its not really about teh New Age or about Spiritualism but it does show another side to this Religion


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New Age Islam Empty Re: New Age Islam

Post by KatyKing Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:01 pm

We get muslims coming to our mini readings sessions Jim.
Not many at services although we do get a lot of Indians and you can't really tell who is what unless they tell you their name.
The Shi-ites (Dervishes and Sufis are that 'brand' of Islam) have mediums. Seem to be mainly men and they call them Fakirs (then again their women are effectively invisible so who is to know ?).
Big trance tradition in the Dervish Sufi movement. The Yemnis are out of their trees mainly chewing a drug called Quat and the whirling Dervishes are rumoured to be partial to that 'Jamaican Sleeping Tobacco' that many of our young folk here in the west so seem so to enjoy.
So maybe more are 'stoned' than are 'entranced'.
It's all so unlike the home life of our own dear Queen.


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New Age Islam Empty Re: New Age Islam

Post by Admin Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:50 pm

Hi Katy, I have downloaded a section of a very serious book on Modern Islam, it seems that many have tkan a much more open view of Spiritualism and a small group are aware that their may be non muslims in their heaven.

Another article in the making, assembling the necessary research takes a lot of time.


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New Age Islam Empty Re: New Age Islam

Post by KatyKing Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:56 pm

I'd be careful Jim Some of those lads can be a tad touchy.
Think on now. No cartoons in the article.

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New Age Islam Empty Re: New Age Islam

Post by Admin Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:10 pm

No and I will use the full title in due deference and respec. To write anything about Islam is a major endeavour which must be done with great tact and care. I do not wish to upset anyone in any way.

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New Age Islam Empty Re: New Age Islam

Post by KatyKing Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:24 pm

Am imam a rabbi and a priest walk into a pub.
Barman says
'Is this some sort of a joke?'

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New Age Islam Empty Re: New Age Islam

Post by _Leslie_ Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:17 pm

I've some very good friends who are Muslim (both practising and none).

My Wife, who's father is Welsh and served 24 years in the British Army as a medic married her Mother, who is German at the end of WWII.
She was fortunate (I say with gritted teeth) to have attended a private school during her younger years (managed and run by Nuns) - She and her brothers suffered racism - stones being thrown at the house, usual name calling and discrimination at school, all because her Mother was from Berlin!

My Wifes loves the sun and tans very easily, because she has long black hair and very often a tanned skin - yep, you guessed it, she and some of our children are mistaken for members of a different race and yet again discriminated against.

Personally, I don't care what someone looks like or where they come I enjoy learning of others cultures - for me life is a bowl of mixed spices... some hot, some mellow, but without either - it wouldn't be very flavour some Wink Or as someone once said to me in Liverpool when I worked there many years ago "if all roses in the world was red, it wouldn't be very colourful"... then later thinking about it a little more and adding "but they would be cheaper" Wink

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