Mrs Meurig Morris and her control Power
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SpiritualismLink :: Psychic and Mediumship - Only True Mediumship Gives Proof of Survival :: Trance, Transfiguration and Direct Voice
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Mrs Meurig Morris and her control Power
Mrs Meurig Morris was an outstanding early twentieth-century trance medium through whom an spirit who chose the name "Power" delivered religious and philosophical teachings from the platform in a manner analogous to modern channeling. Some signs of Meurig's psychic gifts were noticeable at an early age, but they were stifled by an orthodox education. However, she began to develop rapidly after a first séance with a direct voice medium in Newton Abbot in 1922. Within six weeks she went under control. "Sunshine," the spirit of a child, spoke through her, and "Sister Magdalene," the spirit of a French nun, assumed charge as principal trance control. The prediction came through that Morris would be trained for the delivery of teaching by a spirit called "Power."
Under the control of "Power," the medium's soprano voice changed to a ringing baritone, her mannerisms became masculine and priestly, and the teachings disclosed an erudition and sophisticated philosophy that was far above the intellectual capacities of the medium.
In 1929, Laurence Cowen, well-known author and playwright, came in contact with Meurig. "Power" convinced him of the truth of survival and filled him with a missionary spirit. Hitherto an agnostic, Cowen became a convert to Spiritualism, associated himself with Meurig, and arranged a long series of Sunday meetings in the Fortune Theatre in London for the general public. Wide publicity accompanied the sermons for some time in the press. Public attention was further aroused by the provincial tours Cowen arranged at great personal sacrifice.
Meurig's rise into the forefront of inspired orators was punctuated with two publicly attested supernormal occurrences. First, an attempt was made by the Columbia Gramophone Company to make a phonograph record of "Power's" voice. According to the publicly rendered account of company spokesperson C. W. Nixon, at the very commencement of the experiment an incident occurred that by all the rules should have spoiled the first side of the record.
Ernest Oaten, president of the International Federation of Spiritualists, was in the chair, and, being unaware that the start was to be made without the appearance of the usual red light, he whispered loudly to Meurig as she stood up: "Wait for the signal." These words were picked up by the microphone and heard by the engineers in the recording room after the apparatus had been started, and it was believed they must be on the record. Later, when the second side of the record was to be made, there was confusion in starting, and towards the end, as if to make technical failure a certainty, Meurig turned and walked several paces away from the microphone.
A week before the record was ready for reproduction, Cowen telephoned Nixon and told him that "Power" had asserted that notwithstanding the technical mistakes the record would be a success, that Oaten's whispered words would not be reproduced, and that the timing and volume of the voice would not be spoiled by the later accidents.
This statement was so extraordinary and appeared to be so preposterous in view of technical expectations, that Nixon had it taken down word by word, and sent it in a sealed envelope to Oaten in Manchester with the request that he would keep it unopened until the record was ready, and the truth or otherwise of the prediction could be tested. The record was played in the Fortune Theatre on April 25, 1931. It was found perfect. The letter was opened and read. The prediction was true in every detail.
The second strange incident occurred in the studios of the British Movietone Company where a talking film was made of "Power's" oratory. Seventy people saw the microphones high in the air, held up by new half-inch ropes. The rope suddenly snapped (it was found cut as with a sharp knife) and a terrific crash startled all present. Within half an inch of Meurig's face, the microphone swept across the space and went swaying to and fro. A foreman rushed up and dragged the rope aside to keep it out of sight of the camera. The cameraman never stopped filming. Nor did Meurig falter. In spite of the obvious danger to her life she never stirred and went on undisturbed with her trance speech.
According to expert opinion the voice registering must have been a failure. Yet it was found that the accident had not the least influence. The record was perfect. According to "Power's" later revelation, everything was planned. The ropes were supernormally severed so as to prove, by the medium's demeanor, that she was indeed in trance (which a newspaper questioned) as no human being could have consciously exhibited such self-possession as she did when the accident occurred.
Sir Oliver Lodge, in his book Past Years (1931), refers to Meurig: "When the medium's own vocal organs are obviously being used—as in most cases of trance utterances—the proof of supernormality rests mainly on the substance of what is being said; but, occasionally the manner is surprising. I have spoken above of a characteristically cultured mode of expression, when a scholar is speaking, not easily imitated by an uncultured person; but, in addition to that a loud male voice may emanate from a female larynx and may occasionally attain oratorical proportions. Moreover, the orator may deal with great themes in a style which we cannot associate with the fragile little woman who has gone into trance and is now under control. This is a phenomenon which undoubtedly calls attention to the existence of something supernormal, and can be appealed to as testifying to the reality and activity of a spiritual world. It is, indeed, being used for purposes of such demonstration, and seems well calculated to attract more and more attention from serious and religious people; who would be discouraged and offended by the trivial and barely intelligible abnormalities associated with what are called physical (or physiological) phenomena and would not be encouraged by what is called clairvoyance."
In April 1932, Meurig sued the Daily Mail for a poster reading "Trance Medium Found Out," and also for statements made in the article to which the poster referred. The action lasted for 11 days. The summary of Justice McCardie was dramatically interrupted by the sudden entrancement of Meurig and an address of "Power" to the judge. The jury found for the newspaper on the plea of fair comment but added that no allegations of fraud or dishonesty against Meurig had been proved. Meurig's appeal, after a hearing of four days before Lord Justices Scrutton, Lawrence, and Greer, was dismissed. The House of Lords, to which the case was afterward carried, agreed with the Court of Appeal.
The above article was taken from, The Gale Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology
Re: Mrs Meurig Morris and her control Power
Gordon Higginson said one time that Meurig Morris came to the Jubilee Hall in Stoke Town Hall, where six hundred people came to hear Meurig, or rather her control Power speak. Gordon said, No-one ever gave clairvoyance after one of her trance addresses.
He said Meurig would ask for a subject to be suggested from the audience and then Power would control her and speak upon it for an hour or more.
Gordon also added, The quality of her mediumship was so high that such a helper could work through her without any hindrance. The knowledge coming from the spirit world was proof in itself of the power of spirit.
He said Meurig would ask for a subject to be suggested from the audience and then Power would control her and speak upon it for an hour or more.
Gordon also added, The quality of her mediumship was so high that such a helper could work through her without any hindrance. The knowledge coming from the spirit world was proof in itself of the power of spirit.
Re: Mrs Meurig Morris and her control Power
Admin wrote:Thanks again Azur
You are welcome, I knew you'd enjoy it Jim
Re: Mrs Meurig Morris and her control Power
The same article appeared in "Two Worlds" a few years ago.
I, too, recall Gordon speaking about Meurig Morris in his lectures at Stansted Hall. He knew most of the great mediums of the past which is what made his lectures so interesting.
I, too, recall Gordon speaking about Meurig Morris in his lectures at Stansted Hall. He knew most of the great mediums of the past which is what made his lectures so interesting.
Re: Mrs Meurig Morris and her control Power
I agree z, it was Fanny Higginson that invited Mrs Morris to speak/demonstrate in Stroke-on-Trent in those early days.
Re: Mrs Meurig Morris and her control Power
Did you ever have a sitting with Fanny Higginson, Azur? She was a brilliant medium and gave me some remarkable evidence.
Re: Mrs Meurig Morris and her control Power
Did you ever have a sitting with Fanny Higginson, Azur? She was a brilliant medium and gave me some remarkable evidence.[/quote]
Sadly not z , I heard she was a great medium in her day.
Sadly not z , I heard she was a great medium in her day.
Re: Mrs Meurig Morris and her control Power
One of the finest, Azur. Gordon often used to say that his mother was a much better medium than he was - and I discovered that to be true!
She passed in 1978.
Re: Mrs Meurig Morris and her control Power
She did indeed z, living to a great age, passing to the higher life aged 89.
Re: Mrs Meurig Morris and her control Power
She did indeed z, living to a great age, passing to the higher life aged 89.[/quote]
I spoke on the phone to her regularly before her passing and she always insisted on giving me clairvoyance - a great medium indeed.
Re: Mrs Meurig Morris and her control Power
Not mentioned in the above was the fact that the movietone clip was used as vital evidence in the trial where Meurig Morris pursued the Daily Mail for damages after they had alleged she had been caught out. The second clip was seen by the jury. It was a major case in 1932 running through a lengthy trial and appeal.
Admin- Admin
Re: Mrs Meurig Morris and her control Power
I note this piece from
The Columbia Gramophone Company made the first recording. Ernest Oaten, President of the international Federation of Spiritualists, was to make the introduction. He did this, but did not see the red light signifying that recording was in progress. He leaned across to Mrs. Morris and said, “Wait for the signal.” This was picked up by the microphone and heard distinctly by the engineers in the sound booth. Powers went ahead and started the lecture, so there was no way to stop what was in progress, as this was in the days before recordings could be easily edited. Later, when the second side of the record was being cut, other interruptions were heard and recorded. At one point, Mrs. Morris turned away from the microphone and walked several paces around the room before continuing.
A week before the record was ready for reproduction, Power, speaking through Mrs. Morris, assured Columbia executives that everything would be fine, and that there would be no problems at all on the recording. Some thought this so unlikely that they wrote down what was said, sealed it in an envelope, and gave it to Ernest Oaten in Manchester, telling him not to open it until after the record was ready. The record was first played in public at the Fortune Theater on April 25, 1931. It ran perfectly, with no sign of Oaten’s original comment, no change in Mrs. Morris’ voice when she turned away from the microphone, and none of the other interruptions and apparent problems in evidence. The letter was opened and read, showing that Power’s prediction was correct.
These recordings can be herd here
I am researching Meurig in depth and will get something in Psypioneer in due course ( a lot later than I intended)
The Columbia Gramophone Company made the first recording. Ernest Oaten, President of the international Federation of Spiritualists, was to make the introduction. He did this, but did not see the red light signifying that recording was in progress. He leaned across to Mrs. Morris and said, “Wait for the signal.” This was picked up by the microphone and heard distinctly by the engineers in the sound booth. Powers went ahead and started the lecture, so there was no way to stop what was in progress, as this was in the days before recordings could be easily edited. Later, when the second side of the record was being cut, other interruptions were heard and recorded. At one point, Mrs. Morris turned away from the microphone and walked several paces around the room before continuing.
A week before the record was ready for reproduction, Power, speaking through Mrs. Morris, assured Columbia executives that everything would be fine, and that there would be no problems at all on the recording. Some thought this so unlikely that they wrote down what was said, sealed it in an envelope, and gave it to Ernest Oaten in Manchester, telling him not to open it until after the record was ready. The record was first played in public at the Fortune Theater on April 25, 1931. It ran perfectly, with no sign of Oaten’s original comment, no change in Mrs. Morris’ voice when she turned away from the microphone, and none of the other interruptions and apparent problems in evidence. The letter was opened and read, showing that Power’s prediction was correct.
These recordings can be herd here
I am researching Meurig in depth and will get something in Psypioneer in due course ( a lot later than I intended)
Admin- Admin
Re: Mrs Meurig Morris and her control Power
Coutesy of the Internet ARchive org I have found original details of th events
HISTORY O N RECORDS NoJd fry Leonard Petts
"A Spirit Makes a Gramophone Record’*
During the early 1930‘s when this country was In the midst of an economic depression
the record companies set to work to devise all sorts of novelty and unusual records which
it was hope would bring the record buyers into the shops. One of the most active in this
field was Columbia who produced a large number of unusual discs,a few of which are still
of very great interest to the collector today.
In January 1931 Mrs, Louisa Ann Meurig Morris began a series of ‘sermons* on Sunday
evenings at the ‘Fortune Theatre », London, which consisted of a Trance Address delivered
through her by her spirit guide ‘Power 1 , These ‘services 1 attracted a great deal of attention
and at the suggestion of Mr.Lawrence Ccwen,who promoted the meetings at the ‘Fortune*, on
20th,March, 1931, the enterprising Columbia Company made a recording of Mrs,Meurig Morris
delivering a Trance Address before an audience at the Petty France Studios in London,
Herbert Ridout(of Columbia) writing some twelve years later in ‘The Gramophone* states
that n every precaution was taken by both the promoters and ourselves tc prevent any possible
fraud or trickery".
The recording wa s made directly on to wax blanks and before the session commenced these
were autographed by two independent witnesses, These signatures can be seen clearly
beneath the label of the finished disc, It was arranged that when all was ready in the
recording room they would commence the recording without giving any signal to the medium,
‘Power*, speaking through Mrs, Meurig Morris would chose the right moment to begin to speak,
stop at the end of the first wax and continue as soon as the cutter was in action for
the second, The microphone was placed in the centre of the roan. In front of it was a chair
for the medium. Before the recording began Mr.Ernest Vi, Oates (President of the International
Spiritualists* Federation) gave a brief account of what was expected to happen, The
recording opened with a prayer uttered in a ‘sweet frail voice* presumably Mrs. Meurig
Morris *s normal delivery, The audience then sang ‘Abide with Me ‘(not included on the disc)
during which time she went Into a trance which was followed by the deep bass tones of
*Pcwer‘ speaking through the throat of the medium,
A full description of the circumstances in which Mrs. Meurig Morris made the record was
printed In a leaflet and published In 1931 by ‘Two Worlds 1 , 18. Corporation Street,
Manchester. I have been unable to Inspect a copy of this document, however, a notice of the
incident, published at the time quite clearly states that just before ‘Power* began to
speak one of the onlookers said to the medium, ‘Don ‘t be nervy,wait for the signal*. At that
time the microphones were active and in the recording room‘s loudspeaker the engineers
did not hear the first part but were positive that they had recorded the word^'Wait for
the Signal", Mr.Ridout reports another Incident which occurred during the session which
he felt ‘could not fail to be recorded*, A member of the Columbia staff who had from the
start strongly opposed the recording project was sitting next to him,about six feet away
from the microphone. In the middle of ‘Power *s* address on the second side,he coughed,
presumably quite deliberately, directly towards the microphone. After the recording when
Mrs. Meurig Morris was told of these Interruptions she replied, "That will not appear in the
record, you may take my word for that.’
Prom the foregoing we may assume that some ’foreign matter' should have found its way
on to the recording, however, when the finished record was played (from behind a curtain) to
a congregation of spiritualists in the ’Fortune Theatre* some weeks later,apart from some
over amplification fault, no fault could be found with the record.
The record was issued to the general public in August 1931 and it would be interesting
to know exactly hew many sales it managed to *clock up*. Copies are not too often found
so one can only assume that as a commercial venture this experiment was a failure.
As a direct result of the series of ’services* at the ’Fortune Theatre’ the Daily Mail
newspaper published an article headed ’Trance Medium Faind Out’ which itself resulted in
an action for libel being brought against them by Mrs,Meurig Morris, The case opened on
5th*April, 1 932 and many famous personages appeared during the eleven days of its run.
During Mr. Just ice Cardie’s summing up he happened to point to Mrs,Meurlg Morris, who
immediately went into a trance and delivered to him a message from ’Paver’ which is said
to have considerably surprised and astonished that worthy gentleman who ordered that she
should be removed from the Court, ’Do not touch her ’till I have left her body’, cried
•Power* in a deep voice. After this Mrs,Meurig Morris remained unconscious for two hours,
A full account of the trial can be fcund in the pages of ’The Times’ from 6 th.April to
20th, April, 1952,
Although the jury ’found* for the ’Daily Mail* they said that they did not consider
that any allegations of fraud or dishonesty had been proved.
Whatever conclusions one may draw as to the validity of this recording or of the claims
of Mrs.Meurig Morris as a medium, I feel I can do no better than conclude this article
with some wise words attributed to M,R. James, the famous ghost story writer,who declared,
’The best way to appreciate a ghost story is to believe in ghosts.Yet if one cannot, at
least imitate the wittily truthful Madame du Deffand who, when asked, ”Do you believe in
ghosts?” replied,”No,but I’m afraid of them,’”,*
THE RECORD Columbia DX 265
”A Trance Address"delivered by Mrs. Louisa Ann Meurig Morris at the Petty
France Studios in London on 20t h. March, 1931 •”
matrix: WAX6022 (side 1) WAX6024 (side 2)
It is interesting to note that there is a gap between the matrix numbers for the
two sides of this record. What, I wonder, happened to WAX 6023?
Several records have been issued with subjects under hypnosis, purporting to show that
there is ’life after death’, however, these fall into a somewhat different category than
the disc under discussion.
Sceptics will no doubt revel in Hermione Gingold’s delectable ”I'm only a medium
medium” appearing on a private record G.C.5. which had a limited circulation some
years ago.
HISTORY O N RECORDS NoJd fry Leonard Petts
"A Spirit Makes a Gramophone Record’*
During the early 1930‘s when this country was In the midst of an economic depression
the record companies set to work to devise all sorts of novelty and unusual records which
it was hope would bring the record buyers into the shops. One of the most active in this
field was Columbia who produced a large number of unusual discs,a few of which are still
of very great interest to the collector today.
In January 1931 Mrs, Louisa Ann Meurig Morris began a series of ‘sermons* on Sunday
evenings at the ‘Fortune Theatre », London, which consisted of a Trance Address delivered
through her by her spirit guide ‘Power 1 , These ‘services 1 attracted a great deal of attention
and at the suggestion of Mr.Lawrence Ccwen,who promoted the meetings at the ‘Fortune*, on
20th,March, 1931, the enterprising Columbia Company made a recording of Mrs,Meurig Morris
delivering a Trance Address before an audience at the Petty France Studios in London,
Herbert Ridout(of Columbia) writing some twelve years later in ‘The Gramophone* states
that n every precaution was taken by both the promoters and ourselves tc prevent any possible
fraud or trickery".
The recording wa s made directly on to wax blanks and before the session commenced these
were autographed by two independent witnesses, These signatures can be seen clearly
beneath the label of the finished disc, It was arranged that when all was ready in the
recording room they would commence the recording without giving any signal to the medium,
‘Power*, speaking through Mrs, Meurig Morris would chose the right moment to begin to speak,
stop at the end of the first wax and continue as soon as the cutter was in action for
the second, The microphone was placed in the centre of the roan. In front of it was a chair
for the medium. Before the recording began Mr.Ernest Vi, Oates (President of the International
Spiritualists* Federation) gave a brief account of what was expected to happen, The
recording opened with a prayer uttered in a ‘sweet frail voice* presumably Mrs. Meurig
Morris *s normal delivery, The audience then sang ‘Abide with Me ‘(not included on the disc)
during which time she went Into a trance which was followed by the deep bass tones of
*Pcwer‘ speaking through the throat of the medium,
A full description of the circumstances in which Mrs. Meurig Morris made the record was
printed In a leaflet and published In 1931 by ‘Two Worlds 1 , 18. Corporation Street,
Manchester. I have been unable to Inspect a copy of this document, however, a notice of the
incident, published at the time quite clearly states that just before ‘Power* began to
speak one of the onlookers said to the medium, ‘Don ‘t be nervy,wait for the signal*. At that
time the microphones were active and in the recording room‘s loudspeaker the engineers
did not hear the first part but were positive that they had recorded the word^'Wait for
the Signal", Mr.Ridout reports another Incident which occurred during the session which
he felt ‘could not fail to be recorded*, A member of the Columbia staff who had from the
start strongly opposed the recording project was sitting next to him,about six feet away
from the microphone. In the middle of ‘Power *s* address on the second side,he coughed,
presumably quite deliberately, directly towards the microphone. After the recording when
Mrs. Meurig Morris was told of these Interruptions she replied, "That will not appear in the
record, you may take my word for that.’
Prom the foregoing we may assume that some ’foreign matter' should have found its way
on to the recording, however, when the finished record was played (from behind a curtain) to
a congregation of spiritualists in the ’Fortune Theatre* some weeks later,apart from some
over amplification fault, no fault could be found with the record.
The record was issued to the general public in August 1931 and it would be interesting
to know exactly hew many sales it managed to *clock up*. Copies are not too often found
so one can only assume that as a commercial venture this experiment was a failure.
As a direct result of the series of ’services* at the ’Fortune Theatre’ the Daily Mail
newspaper published an article headed ’Trance Medium Faind Out’ which itself resulted in
an action for libel being brought against them by Mrs,Meurig Morris, The case opened on
5th*April, 1 932 and many famous personages appeared during the eleven days of its run.
During Mr. Just ice Cardie’s summing up he happened to point to Mrs,Meurlg Morris, who
immediately went into a trance and delivered to him a message from ’Paver’ which is said
to have considerably surprised and astonished that worthy gentleman who ordered that she
should be removed from the Court, ’Do not touch her ’till I have left her body’, cried
•Power* in a deep voice. After this Mrs,Meurig Morris remained unconscious for two hours,
A full account of the trial can be fcund in the pages of ’The Times’ from 6 th.April to
20th, April, 1952,
Although the jury ’found* for the ’Daily Mail* they said that they did not consider
that any allegations of fraud or dishonesty had been proved.
Whatever conclusions one may draw as to the validity of this recording or of the claims
of Mrs.Meurig Morris as a medium, I feel I can do no better than conclude this article
with some wise words attributed to M,R. James, the famous ghost story writer,who declared,
’The best way to appreciate a ghost story is to believe in ghosts.Yet if one cannot, at
least imitate the wittily truthful Madame du Deffand who, when asked, ”Do you believe in
ghosts?” replied,”No,but I’m afraid of them,’”,*
THE RECORD Columbia DX 265
”A Trance Address"delivered by Mrs. Louisa Ann Meurig Morris at the Petty
France Studios in London on 20t h. March, 1931 •”
matrix: WAX6022 (side 1) WAX6024 (side 2)
It is interesting to note that there is a gap between the matrix numbers for the
two sides of this record. What, I wonder, happened to WAX 6023?
Several records have been issued with subjects under hypnosis, purporting to show that
there is ’life after death’, however, these fall into a somewhat different category than
the disc under discussion.
Sceptics will no doubt revel in Hermione Gingold’s delectable ”I'm only a medium
medium” appearing on a private record G.C.5. which had a limited circulation some
years ago.
Admin- Admin
Re: Mrs Meurig Morris and her control Power
Excellent post of this material Jim. Grateful Thanks.
Re: Mrs Meurig Morris and her control Power
Great documentation of the Golden Age of Spiritualism!
Ms. Meurig's total lack of response to the danger is certainly indicative of her being in a strong trance state.
Ms. Meurig's total lack of response to the danger is certainly indicative of her being in a strong trance state.
Left Behind
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